Emilie Elliott
Life doesn’t always go as expected. After ten years of marriage, I became a single mom to three young children. While I enjoyed helping others in my job, it was a means to an end. My children came first. Period.
Life happened and it was hard. It nearly buried me. Five years ago, I knew I had to do something different. I was exhausted and disillusioned, so I left. Left it all. I turned inward, with the sole goal of finding what I needed emotionally and wanted for the rest of my life. In that process, I found healing.
Today, I keep life simple. I love God, my children and my family and friends. I care for my mother, love my adult children to the moon and beyond, laugh with my sisters, and feel unashamed when I choose to put myself, my sanity, first. In being my best self, I can give freely to others.