Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver

George Ackerman - After the Confession

April 30, 2024 JJ, Natalie, and Emilie
🔒 George Ackerman - After the Confession
Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver
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Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver
George Ackerman - After the Confession
Apr 30, 2024
JJ, Natalie, and Emilie

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Hey guys, it's your favorite sisters with the Confessions of a reluctant caregiver podcast. And you're listening to after the confession. Now, let's listen in as it was just getting good. Five, Natalie, and Katie, and we're back talking to George Ackerman after the confession. And so we just finished up recording Georgia. That was so great. So you said you had so many questions. He has questions for us. But I'd love to hear your questions. So oh, we never have a no, go. George.


I like your question more. But I mean, even just the name of your show is just intriguing to me. And I'm honored that you both be on our show together. Soon, because we're just gonna have a lot, we're gonna continue the fun and like I said, it's just not a can't stop this conversation has to be continual everyone out there to support JJ and Natalie in their family on this journey and fight. And there's so much more, we just don't have time, even 10 hour podcast to get it all.


You know, George, I was listening, I gotta tell you, when you were, again, when you were talking about your mom, and you said about the VA notes. And then there was another, there was another story that you said, and I can't recall my mind is so bad. The one I really started crying at Natalie. But I listen to those and I think about events for anyone that kind of marks their story. And I just, you know, mom tried to jump out of the car, I was trying to get her to the University of Florida. Because Dr. Open did her she had mom has CBS and and I think about those times she tried to jump out of the car on 75 Because she was in a state of psychosis, her regular doctors had overdosed her. And I worry about people who don't share their stories. Because when you carry those, it's it's such a burden. And I'm so glad that you share yours because the stories are hard. I mean their heart. And I just am so glad that you shared that because the hallucinations that you talked about. That was our biggest issue, the hallucinations, where they broke my heart because you talk about the Nazis and people that weren't there. She saw my dad. And my dad wasn't she she said he wasn't deceased. And that was hard. I think Natalie, for me, that was the hardest part. And so I'm so glad that you use this openly share that because that's the purpose of the confession or the podcast, that you can confess those things that are hard that people don't understand if they're not living as a caregiver.


I appreciate the my big downfall, even today is the burnout, even as an advocate because that's something we didn't touch much on. But it's days like I'm doing posting and this and just me. And I definitely burned out. I used to work out every day, I don't do it anymore. So one big tip, which we always say is take care of yourself first. But I don't do that I didn't do it. I just feel like I can't. There's so many people out there that I wake up every morning and you might not be able to see this. But it says together for Sharon and it's a somebody. Her name is Dominique. She's from the Netherlands. And she's those yoga for Parkinson. So when I see that, it inspires me to feel like I can't stop and I have to keep going. And I tell myself it's like a fight the little devil in the God, God and it's like email this person that don't email and then I met YouTube and I was in heaven because your story and you to like, honestly drive me to want to keep doing more even together, it'd be amazing. And so every time I see like, all your stuff all over the place, it's you know, it's like, I can't stop. But then sometimes, you know, I'm an aggressive guy, but I don't mean it. So once you do the interview, you'll never hear from me again unless you want to, but it's hard to sometimes it's hard because, you know, like people thought I was fake because I'm a lawyer, police and PhD and a lot of people are supposed to do you believe Natalie? I just did it for a reason to help people but that was behind and they'll move forward. But it's there's so many people out there that don't either want to share don't I find a lot of the bigger organization said that they just don't really have a spot for you at the table which is said and so I just created my own world Merlin's ever own channel. I'm doing a podcast it's called unscripted with three people who have Parkinson's which is nothing like that out there with a brings a caregiver and people with Parkinson's and we talk and it's just like, life changing. And I have another one interesting.


You know, I'll say this George, though. There's a good possibility that our mom would be interested in doing that with us if you wanted to if you wanted to talk to us about it because I it would be interesting J to see if mom I mean Mom, mom can talk and stuff like that and for her to talk about it and trust me. Our mom used to be a motivational speaker. And she was a she was a certified meeting planner and she's traveled all over the place. Now George I joked with her because I'm the most like her. I wasn't sure who was paying her to speak. But she was she was she our mom, what is is a firecracker she was a force to be reckoned with and not was. Our mom is a force to be reckoned with. And I'm going to tell you George, she gives us a run farm and she wears


me out George. She wears me out.


That's what we love about the movie keeper. So


did your mom then this is a funny, you know, you talk about your mom and her independence and everything. Now I'm going to tell you George's advanced his mom's Parkinson skits. She is still independent. Like she's still like she didn't she is not losing that, though. I mean, I don't. She is She


fights even in the nursing home, even if even the nursing home, she is still and we don't look to we don't ever want to dampen that. We don't want to you know what I mean? We don't want that. And you know, you're right. I mean, nobody wants to have to have a difficult decision of putting their loved one in a skilled facility, a skilled nursing facility. And, you know, I think we don't have any judgment for people who do people who don't, because every person is is different. Yeah, every person's abilities are different. Every family is different. All the resources are different. And so let me ask you this. Speaking of resources, if there was one resource that you would want people to know about, what would it be?


Oh, that'd be together for sure. And that also is another Yours Yours website. But I have one problem with both of you now that I enjoy our time together so much, actually, you know, I sit here I listen to everyone. And I get my brain is getting boring with like little clouds. I think we need a we need a confessions combined with together for sharing pockets. I think it'd be cool to have the sons and the daughters together. When I interview people, I look for unique perspective but rare like the other day, I did a podcast with Barbara and she's incredible. She's She doesn't mind me for parking, like people don't even know. She's a mind. She dresses up and she does all the movements because people with Parkinson's need to keep moving. And there's so many inspirational things out there. People don't know. So if you got it together for sure, and click Resources and Parkinson's, you'll see all these incredible POA boxing for powering.


Boxing was mom's


Roxy Rocksteady, our mom did.


We I interviewed the person who started Rock City. He's amazing. So I mean, there's just so many things to do. And but I don't see anything like my book. Again. It's coming out in April. And there's not one son in the world that I've ever seen a book that we researched before I decided to do because I didn't want just another one out there. That there's not a son who wrote a book in memory of their mother for Parkinson's at all in the world. You can please tell me if I'm wrong, because I'm not always right. It and there's nothing like it. This is my pitch to you the Shark Tank moment that did nothing with the son and daughters who have you know, someone affected Parkinson's in the world. So, I know we're all too busy. But you never know in a year from now, if you want to Cuba, because I think your message is so much and we have fun with you. I'm gonna miss you. That's okay.


Don't worry. We'll find you Natalie's a stalker. She's persistent.


I'm sorry. You're gonna be awkward. You'll be like you need to go home. Natalie, why are you why?


We're just hanging. It's, you know, now like, we did this. We did that article for Parkinson's and for Parkinson's for Wall Street Journal. And it was about rambling. caregivers. And it was I won't say it's funny, but it was a coincidence. We had a photographer come in from Asheville. And we were talking about the story he had, he was meeting Mom, we were at mom's house. And he said just out of the blue. He said, My dad was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. And the more that I talk about Parkinson's, that I'm open to the conversation, the more people I'm hearing now have Parkinson's. And I think before it's just kind of a you know, you hear a lot about Alzheimer's and dementia. It's gotten to where now people aren't afraid to talk about it. The more that say my mom has Parkinson's, the more people I hear have Parkinson's, and I think the voice saying what you say and I think Michael J Fox, who I love, who the fact that he's out more and but when I see him It hurts my heart.


When he's I look at him J Michael J Fox is unafraid because he's a celebrity he now if you haven't seen that the documentary that he did, it's amazing. It is so good. I watched it on the plane. And you know, I think and here's the thing, Jordan, I don't know about your mom, but our mom for many, many years before our dad passed, hit her Parkinson's behind his size. So our mom's only about five, five and a half or five, six. She's short compared to I mean, JJ short too, but she's the oldest so we just get rid of we're just whatever. But um 510 Emily's six one, but so that tells you something, George, but our dad was about six to six Hurry, and mom would hold on down. They were high school sweethearts. She did not want people to see the shaking in the movement like, and I never understood that. But she was so self conscious of it even to the point and I don't think we've ever talked about this. Mom was, I think, my mom didn't come to my wedding. And I think and we got into an argument. And it wasn't it was, and I knew probably what was behind it, which was, I think Mom was mom gets very nervous in crowds. And I think mom was very self conscious and didn't want to either embarrass me didn't want to embarrass herself. I don't know J what your thoughts are, but I mean, our mom is very like she is she doesn't like going out into public as much because she's fearful. And I don't know if your mom ever had that fear of going out and things like that, that became harder for I


had a heartbreaking story my mother had, I won't say names again, but the best friend for many years in Florida, and she, my mother was too sick and couldn't go to her. Like grandkids, I think a Bar Mitzvah. And my friend actually held a grudge for life after never showed up, really. And that was like my mother's favorite person in the world. And I was just because a lot of her friends vanished. And I write about in the book, and I actually, there's a chapter, they're all friends wrote nice messages, which is beautiful. But a lot of them just couldn't bear to see her like that. And they didn't know like, you know, I'm sitting there can't answer questions to her. Or sometimes she, you know, again, I don't want to get deep into it. But the last seven days, she didn't live, she had a heartbeat. But she didn't move she didn't eat. She couldn't we didn't know. You know, when she was it was just heart wrenching. And no one could tell. So they just could put morphine in Florida is discussing with that they don't have death, dignity, we treat our animals better. We're trying to change the law now. And also, just on a lighter note, you're in Nashville is a big event for Michael J. Fox in Nashville. And I'm one day we're going to fly there to do that. Because I want to that's one thing my dream in the future is when if I can figure on my back to travel around to other people's states like yours, and support people in getting donations for them. That's something I really want to do. But this side, ironically, I'm doing my first ever I'm so excited Michael J. Fox event. It's called the IQ for the community in Hollywood, Florida at a beautiful hotel called the diplomat. And I have a table and we hand out these bands, which I want to mail you guys, I don't send them anymore. We don't send them do that send like $10,000 Letting them for free. We don't want we don't want money for it. But so I'm going to be there. And sometimes it's kind of funny, this one won't have that. But I've done walks and so on both sides are pharmaceutical company, so that people don't want to come up to me because they think we're selling something but then when they realize we're not I had a gentleman who was in a wheelchair the veteran had he had Parkinson's and his wife came over. And they didn't say a word. They just looked at me and they saw my mother, we have a big downer. And they saw that we're like literally there for nothing but to tell people, we love them and we support them. And they all start crying and hug us and that's what those memories are kind of stay with me. And that's why again, no matter what maybe one wacky person I Townline which you probably get, I imagine more than me because I'm the guy who you know, no matter what this millions of people out there still wanting to hear your voices in mine. And I wouldn't even believe it because I again, I started this I thought I'd throw a few videos up and move on and that's cool. least she'll be remembered. But now it's getting bigger than me and um, can't even handle it. And you know, we have like I'm booked up till next year with pockets which I don't know why I feel so bad because I'm like you both what you're very busy. And you have to say now like I know when we met I was so sad because I couldn't be in but I understood and I didn't think we'd ever get the chance to Oh, we did it. We had to make it work on my wife. I kept telling my wife that these two incredible people unfortunately, dealing with Parkinson's like me, but they're so busy. I'm so honored.


We're happy to have you.


We're happy your family. You're stuck. We're all family. And I


know I love your house for dinner. Yeah, now we're having now we're coming to visit. You know, George, I do have a question. One more question. And then Jay, I'll let you let you go. If you could, and I've been asking this lately. What What advice would you give your younger self when this first started happening? What would you give now knowing everything that you know? What would you tell your younger self related to


the tough question because the real dream is to end Parkinson disease what


would you tell your younger self yourself?


I mean, I wouldn't I would tell you to do a good job theater support your mother no matter what we used to funny fights on Sundays about where to order takeout and literal wars. And my wife would come to me and say what are you guys finding third, just you know We don't mean it. But fighting over Chinese food and pizza. Yeah, you know like you have a big fan and you have so many people everybody wants something else. I just want sushi. Nothing else. Octavia was a barbecue food but anyway, not even I would tell him I would tell myself just forget the dumb things and just be there to support your loved one forget any even bad history might have had shot him but you need to be there because they were there for you. I mean, my mother gave birth and that's something everybody wants to like I shouldn't have to have a C section my wife at three


giving birth to George in case you weren't aware.


I mean, I don't know if you know, considering you can't have kids


that's another another God. I don't know we don't have to tell. You know, again, it's gonna be tough days, George. It's gonna be I didn't dream I'd be sitting here with you all like this, which I'm proud to. And I don't know if you can see that I don't I literally where this is going to sleep like it's to look for Parkinson's because there's so many people who still aren't aware and my goal now it's either YouTube unfortunate effect of our parking thing. But I really try hard to go on shows that are not reaching the Parkinson's community. So people who don't have Parkinson's and people who are not advocates because we don't get everybody on board this ship we're going to be further from a cure and we didn't have as much time but again, the National plant and Parkinson's YouTube and Asheville police calm contact, you might have already your senators, your audience, please contact your Senators as we're actually this moment recording. We're going through history, US History legislation that passed the House actually had honored to interview one of the most leading representatives represented Paul Tonko. From New York, we talked about the bill. And now it's the Senate, I've literally harassed my two senators, Marco Rubio and Scott, they both turned on. I tried to get a podcast. You have to they don't respond. But it shows.


It shows advocacy, work, storage and persistence, polite, polite,


George polite person, this is a period where you know, this is a period where you end the viewers can get involved, you know, sometimes we leave a talk and we're like, good luck. See, come reach out if you want. But now Now you can actually change the future for everyone, including both of you, for caregivers for those diagnosed, unfortunately, that not in my opinion, much for the month in memory, which you have to add to my opinion. But there's still so much good happening from the darkness that I'm just proud to be part of it. I mean, my dream was to be there. When they sign it into law. They don't have the station first. They don't know when it'll be in where it's not even at the center. You know, we'll just


show up George. George will just show up. They'll be like, we'll be like, I'm with Michael. That's what we say.


I'm with Rubio, I'm good.


So I'm talking about exactly, no, I don't think you want to say Rubio you go with I'm with. I'm with Michael. So partisan.


That was the thing that bill passed so beautifully. But I think eight or nine genius people didn't vote for for it. And I'm like, part of me selfishly wants to write them and say, What are you thinking, but I don't have time, and they don't usually respond if you're not in their state. But why would somebody not vote for bending Parkins in this path? It's very, that's why I stay out all the time. Ya


know, well, typically there's money assigned to George, there's always money.


Life is always more important, in my opinion. And I'm sure. This is an urgent bill that has to be passed immediately.


Yeah. Well, George, thank you so much for being with us today. We absolutely love you. And everybody. Thank you so much for listening in to after the confession. And, Jay, any last parting words before we


move along, we will see you talk to you again. The next time we confess,


I love it. And George gave everybody we'll make sure we've got all of the links to George's social media sites, all the resources that he gave from together for And George, thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate you.


I appreciate you both through viewers and again, we send our love and support. We don't want anything but a cure and I'm not gonna stop fighting with you who want to see me this much. Until we finally we're fine


with him by George. All right, guys. Thanks so much. Well, friends, that's a wrap for this week's after the confession. Thanks so much for subscribing. It's your support that makes this podcast possible. And don't forget to visit our website to sign up for our monthly newsletter. Sign up for the free sisterhood advantage discount club and of course connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, tik, Tok, Twitter and Pinterest. You'll also find the video Recording of all our episodes on the confessions website and our YouTube channel we'll see you next time when we can best again till then take care of you